2007 Annual Report

The Annual Report, required by the Auditor General Act, includes performance audits of Ontario public-sector and broader-public-sector programs, and our observations on the attest audits of the Public Accounts. It also includes reports and reviews required under other legislation or undertaken at the Auditor General’s discretion.

Tabled in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario on December 11, 2007.

2007 Annual Report – Entire Report (pdf 5.9Mb)

Chapter 1: Overview and Value-for-money Audit Summaries (pdf 692kb)

Chapter 2: Improving Accountability and Transparency (pdf 309kb)

Chapter 3: Reports on Value-for-money Audits (Introduction) (pdf 463kb)

Chapter 4: Follow-up of Recommendations in the 2005 Annual Report (Introduction) (pdf 458kb)

Chapter 5: Public Accounts of the Province (pdf 682kb)

Chapter 6: The Auditor General's Review of Government Advertising (pdf 821kb)

Chapter 7: The Office of the Auditor General of Ontario (pdf 814kb)

Chapter 8: The Standing Committee on Public Accounts (pdf 523kb)

Exhibit 1: Agencies of the Crown (pdf 478kb)

Exhibit 2: Crown-controlled Corporations (pdf 499kb)

Exhibit 3: Treasury Board Orders (pdf 563kb)

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